Sailinginfo |

for different course-types!
Start Yachting |
Competent Crew |
Day Skipper Shorebased |
Day Skipper Practical |
Suggested Minimum
Pre-Course Experience |
None |
None |
Some practical experience desirable |
5 Days' Seatime
100 Miles
4 Night Hours
Assumed Knowledge |
None |
None |
None |
Knowledge to Day Skipper Shorebased (certificate not required) |
Minimum Age |
None |
None |
None |
Age 16 |
Maximum Age |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Health Requirements |
Standard Health Declaration |
Standard Health Declaration |
Standard Health Declaration |
Standard Health Declaration |
Certificate Awarded? |
*Always check the latest version of the appropriate RYA Logbook for up-to-date information, or consult the RYA Website
Coastal Skipper Practical
Coastal Skipper |
Yachtmaster Offshore
Suggested Minimum
Pre-Course Experience |
Day Skipper Shorebased Course |
15 Days' Seatime
(2 as Skipper)
300 Miles
8 Night Hours
30 Days' Seatime
(2 as Skipper)
800 Miles
12 Night Hours
50 Days' Seatime
(5 as Skipper)
2500 Miles
5 Passages >60nm inc 2 overnight & 2 as skipper
Assumed Knowledge |
Knowledge to
Day Skipper Shorebased (certificate not required)
Knowledge to Coastal Skipper Shorebased +
Sailing to Day Skipper Practical Standard
(certificate not required)
VHF License
First Aid Certificate
VHF License
First Aid Certificate
Minimum Age |
None |
Age 17 |
Age 17 |
Age 17 |
Maximum Age |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Health Requirements |
Standard Health Declaration |
Standard Health Declaration |
Standard Health Declaration |
Standard Health Declaration |
Certificate Awarded? |
*Always check the latest version of the appropriate RYA Logbook for up-to-date information, or consult the RYA Website
PowerBoatinginfo |

for different course-types!
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Intermediate |
Advanced |
Suggested Minimum
Pre-Course Experience |
None |
None |
As Below |
Competence to Intermediate 'standard
Assumed Knowledge |
None |
None. May be preceded by Level 1. |
Boat handling to Level 2 (Coastal) Standard |
Knowledge to Day Skipper Shorebased (certificate not required) |
Minimum Age |
Age 8.
Candidates under 16 will be issued with an endorsed certificate.
Age 12.
Candidates under 16 will be issued with an endorsed certificate.
Age 16 |
Age 17 |
Maximum Age |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Health Requirements |
Standard Health Declaration |
Standard Health Declaration |
Standard Health Declaration |
Standard Health Declaration |
Certificate Awarded? |
*Always check the latest version of the appropriate RYA Logbook for up-to-date information, or consult the RYA Website
Diesel Engine Maintenance |
Suggested Minimum
Pre-Course Experience |
None |
None |
Assumed Knowledge |
None |
Minimum Age |
Age 16 |
None |
Maximum Age |
None |
None |
None |
Health Requirements |
Standard Health Declaration |
Standard Health Declaration |
Standard Health Declaration |
Certificate Awarded? |
*Always check the latest version of the appropriate RYA Logbook for up-to-date information, or consult the RYA Website

Standard Health Declaration
At the time of your check-in and arrival at the ScotSail SailCentre, you will be required to sign a standard Crew Registration and Booking Form, which comprises our Terms and Conditions of Carriage / Business, a declaration that you have read and understood all our terms and conditions and product details and a waiver of liability, as well as the following Health Declaration:
"I declare to the best of my knowledge, I am not suffering from epilepsy, disability, giddy spells, asthma, diabetes, angina, allergies or other heart condition and I am fully fit to participate in the RYA Course / Experience. Any medical condition that may affect my suitability has been declared to 1st ScotSail Training Ltd."
Health Notes
If you suffer from any of the conditions listed in the Standard Health Declaration, or any other condition that may affect your suitability for attendance of any course or experience operated through or by 1st ScotSail Training Ltd even if it is not listed, for example if you are pregnant or missing an appendage, it may not preclude you from attending however, it is very important that you declare these conditions to 1st ScotSail Training Limited at the time of booking AND we have confirmed back to you that we have received and acknowledged such a declaration.
bookonline! or call us on 0800 756 5506
*always check homepage for special offers, discounts, web-deals or cancellation offers, or ask your operator when you call. Please mention discount / offers prior to booking.
